Self Assessment Kit (SAK)
If your location or physical health is preventing you from attending the Pedorthic Foot Clinic and seeing the Pedorthist for a foot assessment, then the SAK is a way of making it happen for you.
The kit is made up of instructions of how to perform your foot imprint as well as how to take the photos and complete the written information. It does require a second person to help take the photos but otherwise it is a simple system and one that has enabled many people to be treated long distance by Stewart.
When you first contact the clinic to discuss this option, Stewart will also speak with you about your foot issues and confirm the SAK process for you. Once you return the completed SAK Stewart will visually assess your feet from the weight bearing impression and contact you to discuss the results and the treatment options ranging from footwear to Customised Orthotic Therapy.
Self Assessment Kit Investment
The cost of the Self Assessment Kit is $250.00 and postage within Australia is $35.00. International shipping will vary.
The price of the orthotic device is determined once the Self Assessment Kit has been returned to Stewart.
Assessment Consultations with the Specialist
Stewart is available for Skype meetings before during and after the treatment.
You can contact Stewart for further details via email.